Are You Still Friends? 16 Things To Check If You Should Go Ahead!

Love can seem beautiful and terrifying at the same time and figuring out your feelings for someone is often one of the most intimidating parts of falling in love.

Are you stuck too?? He / she is not committing or moving the relationship forward because he/she doesn’t feel it on the gut level or he / she has told you that they are not ready for a relationship. You want to get ahead of “Just friends” tag but you are not sure.

Catch Now Delhi brings you few hints that may help you decide if you really want to go ahead and change the status of your relationship.

1. You talk like best friends, play like children, argue like husband and wife and protect each other like brother and sister.

2. Somewhere in middle of all your long talks, silly jokes and stupid little fights you have started feeling for him/her.


3. Missing him/her has become your hobby.

4. You always look forward to start and end your day with his/her text or call.

5. You feel restless if you don’t talk to them.

6. You are comfortable sharing anything and everything with them.

7. You both love to spend time together and have never ending conversation.

8. You understand each other and connect well mentally.


9. You keep questioning yourself about the relationship with him/her.

10. You feel addicted to this person.

11. You really want your friends and family to like this person.

12. You are always ready to celebrate his/her triumphs (even when you yourself fail)

13. Your sense of self has grown through knowing this person.

14. You prioritize him/her above your own needs.

15. You get jealous but not suspicious about his/her acts.

16. And the last but not the least, chaddi check! If you are most comfortable in bed together then, thumbs up, go ahead 😀


#cnfeatures: Falling in love and building an attachment are a wonderful basis for healthy relationship, but remember that staying in a relationship is often based on more than satisfaction and feeling good in other person’s presence.

Keep Loving!! 


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